The Dawi!

Dwarf Warriors

In times of war, the leaders of the clan call the muster and any dwarfs old enough to fight form together into regiments. Most of the Dawi who answer the call of battle are craftsmen of some sort - stone carvers, brewers, minters, and the like. But once they don their well forged mail, put on the steel helm and heft an axe in hand, they leave behind the artisan, turning that same industrious nature to their other calling - warfare.

The Axe Bhoys

For every 10 years of service in the regiment another stripe is added to the shield. Professional soldiers; these lads are hard as nails and will fight to the last defending the hold.

The Hammerers

The most skilled warriors in a Dwarf hold are the Hammerers. They are individuals from different units, and perhaps even clans, who have proven themselves in uncountable battles, showing not just great strength and martial prowess, but also steadfast loyalty and a bold and corageous nature. They are formed into a hard-hitting shock unit, a force capable of breaking enemy formations the way a heavy maulhammer crushes shale.

Dwarf Crossbows

While the devotees to the handgun have grown over the years, they have not replaced the crossbow. There are many clans that prefer the range of the crossbow, while the most traditionalist simply rile against any form of technological progress and the regrettable lack of ‘elbow grease’ needed to fire a handgun instead of winding a crossbow winch to re-set its formidable shot. Not surprisingly, some of the less wealthy clans even grumble over the cost of black powder.

Dwarf Wizard

A rare sight in the hold a dwarf wizard is a foe to be feared. Throwing great bolts of lightning a dwarf wizards is capable of channelling powers beyond understanding to most mortals.


D&D - Waterdeep Heist


Forces of Gondor