Duncan Gillespie
My Fathers to blame for this, he inflicted me with an addiction to plastic that has never relented. My first exposure to the hobby was his collection of 15mm World War 2 British; pushing along his metal Sherman fireflies making gun noises while he angrily insisted they weren’t toys. From there at some point, I found myself in a games workshop and walked out of the store with the Warhammer 3rd edition starter set. I decided I wanted the space marines and painted them up as Imperial Fists (my favourite colour being yellow) and the Dark Eldar I tossed to my dad because they were the baddies... That first space marine army is now long gone, sadly lost to the mists of time. But since then, I’ve painted many armies across many periods, both historical and fantasy. Most recently I’ve been adding to my army of Orks with the intention of playing a game of sword and spear fantasy against my mates cowardly Empire Army.
Anyway, thanks for visiting my website, I hope you see something you like in the gallery and if you’ve got some unpainted models you want to start playing games with then consider sending some work my way.